This white roses arrangement of 25 white roses in a glass vase is the perfect way to surprise and delight your loved ones. Each of the 25 white roses is carefully selected from the finest quality large-headed white roses and arranged beautifully in a clear glass vase.
Our roses are sourced from Ecuador and are delivered fresh to ensure the best possible longevity. These white roses are grown in high-altitude regions of Ecuador and have long stems that give them an impressive and grand appearance.
The clear glass vase is chosen specifically to enhance the natural beauty of the white roses. It has an elegant and modern look that complements any home decor. This special arrangement is a perfect choice to make your loved ones happy and is ideal for any special occasion, celebration, or just as a surprise.
Please note that as flowers are seasonal, some flower varieties may vary throughout the year. However, our expert florists will carefully select the freshest and highest quality flowers for your arrangement.
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